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SorbDrone - An Oil Spill Solution (Drones for Good Competition 2017)

SorbDrone is a solution proposed by Team IFOR for modernizing the Oil Spill cleanup process. By using UAV to first inspect the affected area using a thermal camera onboard the system and then to use special pads filled with hydrophobic oil absorbing material, the system is able to clean oil spills. With the use of image processing the affected area is divided into grids which can be further assigned to a swarm of quadcopters which can clean the area.

Innovator Show in Abu Dhabi

The IFOR team added yet another feather to their cap by participating in Innovator where they showcased their project regarding the “Smart Inspection of Solar Drones”, a semi-finalist entry for the Drones for Good national competition 2016.  Further research was conducted by them and the platform was shifted to a VTOL fixed wing plane which added a better range for the inspection of the solar panels. The event hosted by Flash entertainment was attended by many esteemed guests and various universities, and served as a platform for the team to develop their ideas.


Team IFOR regularly participates in the various exhibitions held throughout the year in UAE. We started off with participation in RTEX ’14, a robotics Technology exhibition where Team IFOR had acquired a stall to display our drones and interact with potential sponsors. We were also part of GETEX (Gulf Education and Training Exhibition) 2015. We also participated in the exhibition supporting the Drones for Good competition, where we got a chance to converse with several important officials from the drone industry. Recently IFOR also participated in Water, Energy and Transport Exhibition, where we exhibited our solar inspecting drone.

Smart Inspection of Solar Panels (Drones For Good Competition 2016)

The project describes about how a drone can automatize the inspection and maintenance problems in a solar farm. Using autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle, using GPS sensors, we were able to fit in longitude and latitude points of the different solar panels in the farm. Apart from GPS way-point navigation, a thermal camera was used in the system to sense the temperature readings from the panels and to detect the faulty panels.

Team Photo
dfg paper
Team Prototype
WhatsApp Image 2016-10-10 at 4.49.18 PM
WhatsApp Image 2016-10-10 at 4.49.05 PM
WhatsApp Image 2016-10-10 at 4.48.24 PM

Team IFOR submitted their SorbDrone proposal in the Innovate category of the Team Total Grants. They were shortlisted for the final jury results.

Team Total Grants

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